Limited Spaces Available for 2024/25

FAQ Page

Get answers to common questions about our new microschool!

Q. How much is tuition?

TCCM: For the upcoming 2024-2025 school year the rates are as follows:

You can self pay. For self-paying families, tuition is $10,000 per child/per year.

OR, you can apply for the Step Up For Students (SUFS) education voucher program and we will accept the amount you are awarded under this scholarship (usually between $7500 and $9000) as tuition for the year. This scholarship will pay you quarterly and all we ask is that you submit it to us as your student’s tuition.

EVERYONE is encouraged to apply; as there is no income limit for scholarships awarded. Here is the link to apply:

Q: Will the curriculum be based on Florida State standards?

TCCM: Yes, each student will be following Florida State standards.

Q: Will my student be in homeschool?

TCCM: Yes. We will be a homeschool co-op. Your child will be enrolled in homeschool in your county of residence and The Community Classroom Microschool, LLC will provide the certified teachers that will guide your student’s academic learning.

Q. If we are on the fence and we want to apply for the Step-Up Scholarship but don’t want to unenroll from our zoned school, can we?

TCCM: Yes, you can stay in your zoned school and still apply for SUFS.

Q. Does the scholarship have a deadline?

TCCM: No, but it is first come first serve, so apply as soon as possible. For example, if you apply before August 1st, you will be eligible for the payout in September. If you apply after August 1st you may have to wait till the next payout cycle and your student may have to wait to begin classes at TCCM.

Q: Do I need my student’s transcript at enrollment time?

TCCM: Yes, for high school students we will need their transcripts for accurate placement. You can obtain their transcripts from Skyward, or contact your previous school to request a copy.

Q: Will my student get a high school diploma?

TCCM: Yes! The State of Florida homeschool requirements are different from the standard diploma. We will provide the end of year portfolio to make it easy for you to submit.

Q: Will there be a sports program?

TCCM: As we are a small “homeschool co-op”, our Athletic Director, Yossi Weis, is in communication with other homeschool co-ops to see if we can join them for soccer. Yossi will be offering a cross-country running club, as well. We are open to any sports your student wants to play; just ask us! Also, remember, as a homeschooled student, you have the right for your student to participate in sports, band and any clubs your zoned school offers!

Q: Will Wednesdays be half days?

TCCM: No, but if you need to pick up your child early, our core classes will be completed at noon each day. Afternoons will be filled with electives and clubs.

Q: Will Skyward be used?

TCCM: No, Skyward will not be used to keep records of your student’s grades. We will have a new system in place to keep you up to date on your student’s progress throughout a semester.

Q: Will the curriculum be ‘beginning to end’ or at a student's pace?

TCCM: Students will each work at their own pace. We are the same teachers you have been accustomed to; we will continue to meet your students at their pace. There will be a schedule to help students develop a steady pace of learning from the start of the school to the end of the school year. For those ambitious students who like to do more, finishing the curriculum early is not unheard of; if that is the case, we will work to keep your child engaged and challenged with new exciting topics that will allow them to excel. We have students who have skipped a grade and will continue to ensure each student’s needs are met!

Q: Do Students have the option to dual enroll?

TCCM: Yes! Dual enrollment at the college of your choice is always an option. Our Academic Coach, Jennifer Weis, can help assist your student in the process to attain their educational goals.

Q: Is Home-Ec / Life skills an option?

TCCM: Yes, we have two staff members who are certified in these areas. Ms. Weis is a Certified Professional Life Coach, and plans on offering baking, creating a hydroponic kitchen garden with herbs and educating on therapeutic & culinary recipes for the herbs. Sewing and quilt making is also an option and making baby blankets for the NICU is a great citizenship project for students! Mrs. Ricks has a state certification in Family and Consumer Science for grades 6-12 and also enjoys sewing and Home-Ec.

Q: Will a foreign language be offered for high school students?

TCCM: American Sign Language (ASL) is an elective that is offered and it will satisfy the Bright Futures Scholarship requirement if 2 consecutive years are taken.

Q: Since this is homeschool, will there be EOCs?

TCCM: No, just the homeschool evaluation/portfolio will be required at the end of the year. However, other tests may be offered for college placements, requirements for Bright Future Scholarships.

Q: Will the curriculum be similar to that of a traditional/public school?

TCCM: We will offer what your child specifically needs. As a “homeschool co-op”, the curriculum will be selected by our qualified, certified teachers and will be available for review. It will follow State of Florida standards.

Jennifer Weis, M.S., C.P.L.C.

Certified Life Coach

True North Transitions, Inc.

(352) 317-1485